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[发布招聘] [兼职全职跑腿招聘] 招聘兼职渠道经理

  • 职位: 招聘兼职渠道经理
  • 岗位职能: 人事/行政/高级管理
  • 招聘人数: 1 人
  • 工作地点: 欧洲
  • 计薪周期: 面谈
  • 薪金: 面议 欧元
  • 学历要求: 初中
  • 工作年限: 不限
  • 年龄要求:
  • 工作性质: 兼职
  • 性别:
  • 职位描述: 招聘渠道经理





    有意者请加QQ 2928753601


    Recruiting Part-time Language Teachers…
    Who are we?
    Cool Mango online education is an international company which registers and locates both in Belgium and China. We aim at popularizing online languages teaching and learning world-wide and provide high-quality online language courses and communication platform.

    What are the benefits to be a Cool Mango teacher?
    1. Earn money by teaching your native language
    2. A considerable salary: 15 euro to 20 euro each hour
    3. Teach anytime according to your schedule
    4. Teach anyplace where there is internet

    What are the requirements to be a Cool Mango teacher?
    1. The language you teach should be your native language.
    2. You should have the required language teaching experience.
    3. You should follow the Cool Mango instructions and rules.
    4. You have the online teaching set and eligible teaching environment.

    What are the responsibilities of Cool Mango teachers?
    1. Prepare the PPT for your class under the guidance and help of Cool Mango.
    2. Deliver classes with the aid of Cool Mango systems, tools and techniques.
    3. Interact in a passionate, friendly and patient manner with students.
    4. Prepare homework, tests or exams for your course.
    5. Provide a timely corrective feedback to students.

    How to be a Cool Mango Teacher?
    Just simply register as a teacher at our website.
    Here is the teacher registration link:
    (Please contact QQ 2928753601 to get the link)
    Fill in the information which is required by the website and wait for our checking.
    We’ll contact with you after our checking for further steps.
  • 有效期至: 2020-02-29
  • 公司名称: Cool Mango
  • 营业执照号:
  • 地址:
  • 公司简介:
  • 联系人: 张经理
  • 网址:
  • 招聘渠道经理





    有意者请加QQ 2928753601


    Recruiting Part-time Language Teachers…
    Who are we?
    Cool Mango online education is an international company which registers and locates both in Belgium and China. We aim at popularizing online languages teaching and learning world-wide and provide high-quality online language courses and communication platform.

    What are the benefits to be a Cool Mango teacher?
    1. Earn money by teaching your native language
    2. A considerable salary: 15 euro to 20 euro each hour
    3. Teach anytime according to your schedule
    4. Teach anyplace where there is internet

    What are the requirements to be a Cool Mango teacher?
    1. The language you teach should be your native language.
    2. You should have the required language teaching experience.  
    3. You should follow the Cool Mango instructions and rules.
    4. You have the online teaching set and eligible teaching environment.

    What are the responsibilities of Cool Mango teachers?
    1. Prepare the PPT for your class under the guidance and help of Cool Mango.
    2. Deliver classes with the aid of Cool Mango systems, tools and techniques.
    3. Interact in a passionate, friendly and patient manner with students.
    4. Prepare homework, tests or exams for your course.
    5. Provide a timely corrective feedback to students.

    How to be a Cool Mango Teacher?
    Just simply register as a teacher at our website.
    Here is the teacher registration link:
    (Please contact QQ 2928753601  to get the link)
    Fill in the information which is required by the website and wait for our checking.
    We’ll contact with you after our checking for further steps.
