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[其他] 国内招聘 外籍前台接待和助理人员

招聘 外籍前台接待和助理人员
4. 完成上级主管交办的其它工作
任职资格: 一共招聘6至10人
1、        女,身体健康,形象气质佳,身高1.65以上,22岁以上,30岁一下,外籍人士;
2、        熟练使用英语,会中文及俄语者优先,可以长期出差。
3、        具备良好的沟通能力,有较强的服务意识,有工作经验者可优先考虑
工作地址: 龙旗国际控股,上海市黄浦区 2或3人
                    河南省                                    4人
简历:英语简历 请发往 Nick Ren 173788895@qq.com wechat: renzhechina
Job offers in China:  Company Reception / Assistant
Job Responsibilities:
1, working in our company Reception pick up the foreign calls ( from Middle and east Europe) and notice, receive foreign guests and accurate notice of the interviewee;
2, send and receive foreign mail, newspapers, fax and items for our company and do a good registration of Office management
3, reception of foreign guests (Central and Eastern Europe), with the foreign language introduct our company and products
4. Complete other work assigned by the higher level supervisor
Qualifications: A total of 6 to 10 people are recruited
1, female, good health, good image quality, height 1.65 or more, 22-30 years old, foreigners;
2, skilled use of English, Chinese and Russian are preferred,
3, have good communication skills, a strong sense of service, work experience can be given priority
CV: Please send a resume with photos
Monthly salary of 8000-10000 yuan, the company is responsible for accommodation, internship for six months, can be signed long-term work contract, one month Holiday of every year with Salary,the company help get working visa in China, all formal payment All kinds of insurance and pensions according to Chinese Law
Job Address: Longqi International Holdings, Shanghai Huangpu District 2 or 3 people
                      Henan Province : 4 people
Resume: English resume
please send to Mr Nick Ren  173788895@qq.com  wechat: renzhechina
