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[发布招聘] [兼职全职跑腿招聘] 电子相关专业毕业生看过来

  • 职位: Field Application Engineer
  • 岗位职能: 销售/客服/技术支持
  • 招聘人数: 2 人
  • 工作地点: 德国
  • 计薪周期: 月薪
  • 薪金: 面议 欧元
  • 学历要求: 硕士
  • 工作年限: 应届
  • 年龄要求: 无
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 性别: 不限
  • 职位描述: Field Application Engineer

    • Participating presales work to facilitate sales proficient in discussing and understanding customers technical requirements to find solution to the customer needs
    • Work with our world leading tool solution of Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulators, Automatic Production Code Generation, and Rapid Controller Prototyping
    • Acceptance at customer sites
    • Hold technical training courses
    • Aftersales technical support
    • In techdays and product presentations to present and demonstrate technical features and benefits of our product range
    • Contribute to develop business opportunities

    • Master Degree in EE, Mechatronics or equivalent
    • Knowledge and experience of ECU related technology, dSPACE systems, MATLAB, Simulink, C.
    • Good English language skills

    Please read more about us at www.dspace.com
  • 有效期至: 2017-02-28
  • 公司名称: dSPACE
  • 营业执照号:
  • 地址: 上海市黄浦区西藏中路18号港陆广场
  • 公司简介: 德国企业,为汽车,航空等行业的工程师,提供软件、硬件开发工具,拥有先进的技术,在行业内处于领导地位
    只要有工程师在研发汽车和飞机,总能看到 dSPACE 的身影
  • 联系人: Amanda Wang
  • 网址:
  • 因在中国市场业务发展需要,dSPACE现增加2个FAE岗位,工作地址在上海市中心
