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[其他] 《旅途脚印》| 看戏 ——索达吉堪布

看戏 | Seeking Entertainment


These days, human morality is sinking low and materialism is gaining the upper hand. People with any available time and money would go to popular places to see a film or a show, and term it refining one’s cultural taste. Totally mesmerized by the entertainment, it never occurs to them that they ought to reflect inwardly or to think twice about what they are doing. As to the issue of death, it’s something far too remote to think about.


In one of his previous lives, the Buddha was reborn as the Prince of Iron Chamber. On the occasion of the Water Lotus Festival, his subjects prepared extravagant shows of dancing and singing to please him. On seeing the jubilant crowds all around him, the Prince instead was saddened and lamented deeply: “Alas! For beings rife with negative emotions, there is not a scrap of stability or happiness. At the Water Lotus Festival, they feel their joy is everlasting. Not having any worry or fear, such ignorance of theirs is indeed startling. The Lord of Death blocks the path of life. Just as one recklessly enjoys happiness, the nemeses—sickness, old age, and death—wait always around the corner. How could a wise person be joyful when facing the rounds of rebirth?”


Liu Bei, the founding father of the Shu Han Dynasty, established his kingdom through innumerable hardships. To make sure his family lineage would last and not fail him, he earnestly left his son Liu Chan these last words: “Never commit any evil deed however minor it may be; never miss doing any good deed however tiny it may seem.” Liu Chan sadly did not heed the advice in the least. After his father’s death, he cared only to enjoy his ancestor’s fruits of labor, indulging himself in sensual pleasures day and night and eventually, he lost the once-mighty kingdom to enemies. Worse, as he was detained in other states, he still took delight in watching the chambermaids’ dancing and gloated shamelessly: “I’m too delighted to be homesick!” In him there was not the slightest remorse or anguish that his Shu Kingdom had been conquered. What a wretch, it’s utterly lamentable!


Many so-called practitioners, regaling themselves in pleasure all the time, are also entirely oblivious to the imminent arrival of the Lord of Death. They do not fare any better than Liu Chan.


While watching a show, we consider ourselves spectators. But do we recognize that on the larger stage of life, we all are actors performing our own dramas? How to make our own show richer and better to the best of our abilities—isn’t it a big issue worthy of deep pondering!


21st of March, Year of RenWu
May 2, 2002
