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[其他] 《旅途脚印》| 窍诀 ——索达吉堪布

窍诀 | Pith Instruction


Jikme Tenpe Nyima of Pema, Qinghai, was the chief disciple of the great Ju Mipham Rinpoche. When he was barely 8 years old, he was able to give excellent teachings on A Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life. On such occasions he usually held a text holder (the Tibetan traditional text holders are made of silk brocade reinforced with bamboo, about 2-chi long) of almost the same length as his height, a sight that made people, even those with years of Dharma practice, marvel and lavish him with praise.


To this, Patrul Rinpoche was pleased to comment: “Now that Dodrup Rinpoche (another name of Jikme Tenpe Nyima) teaches the Dharma at the age of 8, it shows that the Nyingma tradition is rising high and the future is great!”


Jikme Tenpe Nyima left future generations many poems and jewel-like treatises on the Great Perfection and the Great Illusory Net. Here are some selections as food for thought: “The profound truth of primordial wisdom is difficult to grasp by people who are inclined to analysis and logic. It is only through constant praying to the lama with devotion and faith, coupled with diligent practice that we come to see the true face of the mind. As we get better, we can maintain this recognition of the mind even as we are reading scriptures such as the Seven Treasures. Our insight and discriminating awareness will gradually increase, bringing us great benefit.”


Therefore combining the task of reading text with the practice of seeing the mind’s nature or with the recitation of mantras is most wonderful. Gyangze Rinpoche says: “To recite a mantra and to read scripture at the same time is very meritorious. This multitasking could be difficult for a beginner, but the time will come when he reaches a certain level of practice.”


Many khenpos at our academy are adept at this practice; this is how they manage to accumulate astonishing numbers of mantra recitations over the years.


Nonetheless, there are people with high opinions of themselves who neither bother to read books nor recite mantras. They waste their precious lives meaninglessly and do not deserve the name of practitioners!


16th of March, Year of RenWu
April 28, 2002
