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[其他] 《旅途脚印》| 顶峰 ——索达吉堪布

顶峰 | The Summit

The passage of human life is rough and bumpy; the path to liberation is winding and rugged.
A timid person, dreading difficulties, never dares look up at the towering mountain. A tough person, armored with diligence, charges courageously toward the summit of spiritual attainment.
People coming from various places and wearing different attire all gather at this mountain, they pick their path according to their own inclination. Yet the real champion will be the one who scales the summit.
To reach the high peak of liberation, one must first have unshakable determination and unbeatable courage. Thus armored, the warriors will not shrink when facing great obstacles on the road, nor be halted by sheer cliffs and overhanging rocks formed by friends and relatives. Thistles of unfavorable conditions cannot deter them. Without any hesitation, they persistently and unwaveringly tread the path straight on. Eventually, they will reach the summit of their long aspiration. There, the breathtaking vistas are at their feet, and they will fully appreciate the wonderful feeling of seeing “all distant mountains appear shrinking before the eyes.”
During the course of climbing the mountain, some (those with the wrong views) may get lost and stray into the deep woods; some (those with failing faith) may lose confidence and turn back to the starting point; some (the Hinayana practitioners) could stall halfway due to fatigue and indolence; some (those seeking worldly gains) may be lured by beautiful scenery and take a detour; and still some (the Vajrayana practitioners) just take the trolley and arrive at the destination with ease….
Panoramic vistas are to be found only at the perilous peak.
However, this steep summit is reserved only for the undaunted and the courageous. It is by no means easy to reach for those who lack faith and merit, or who shun labor and indulge in ease.
10th of March, Year of RenWu
April 22, 2002
At Lau Wu Mountain, Xiamen
