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[发布招聘] [兼职全职跑腿招聘] 欧洲市场开拓招募全职管理人员

  • 职位: 欧洲市场开拓招募全职管理人员
  • 岗位职能: 人事/行政/高级管理
  • 招聘人数: 2 人
  • 工作地点: 德国
  • 计薪周期: 面谈
  • 薪金: 面议 欧元
  • 学历要求: 不限
  • 工作年限: 5年以上
  • 年龄要求:
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 性别: 男

    * Responsible for the company's daily operations and management 负责公司日常运营与管理;
    *Team building and motivation 团队建设及激励;
    *Constantly adjust the direction of the company's business according to the market changes, big adjustment plans shall be submitted to the chairman of the board of directors for approval 根据市场变化,不断调整公司的经营方向,重大调整方案须报董事长批准;
    *Responsible for the company's enterprise culture and management idea, shaping the corporate image负责倡导公司的企业文化和经营理念,塑造企业形象;
    *Sign the daily administrative business documents, ensure the legitimacy of the company management operation 签署日常行政、业务文件,保证公司经营运作的合法性;
    *Responsible for the company's organizational structure adjustment 负责公司组织架构的调整;
    *Other not mentioned above其它以上未提及的;

    Candidate Qualifications 应聘条件

    * A married man is preferable 已婚男士优先
    * Experience with plastic/metal recycling and trading is preferable 有废塑料、废金属贸易经验的优先
    * Speak both Chinese and English is preferable 会汉语、英语为佳
  • 有效期至: 2016-09-29
  • 公司名称: 北京再塑宝科技有限公司
  • 营业执照号:
  • 地址: 北京市海淀区上地三街金隅嘉华大厦
  • 公司简介: Introduction of Zaisubao
    Vision:TO be a famous and credible trade renewal platform enterprisein the global
    Mission: To improve the credible system of renewal market, and to drive a sustainable development of renewal trade industy e-conmerce.
    Being a professional trade website for renewal resourse ,ZAISUBAO devote itself to the whole industry chair service of global renewal planstice.
  • 联系人: 陈小玲
  • 网址:
  • Two full-time staff in Frankfurt, more than five years of management experience is requested. 法兰克福招聘两名专职人员,需要有五年以上的管理经验

    High incomes of the program , but requires your spirit of bear hardships at the early market development本项目收入高,但前期开拓市场需要有吃苦的精神!

    Project Advantages项目优势:

    Can enjoy long-term & considerable profits once market developed市场已经开拓便可享受长期的收益,利润可观;

    Has a certain reputation and status in society at
    the local在当地拥有一定知名度和社会地位;

    Fully support by group company集团公司、实力支撑!!

    You will deserve
    a seat at the local once cooperation一经合作必定可以在当地占有一席之地.

    Candidate Qualifications 应聘条件

    * Experience with plastic/metal recycling and trading is preferable 有废塑料、废金属贸易经验的优先;

    * Man is preferable男士优先

    Responsibility, professional dedication, Solidarity spirit, strong execution are required 需要有责任心,有敬业精神、团结、付出精神、执行力强!

    *Both Chinese and Diligent Europeans are welcomes中国人和勤奋的欧洲人均可

    Please send your CV to hr.abroad@zaisubao.com notePlease clarify the desired country

    简历接收邮箱:hr.abroad@zaisubao.com (注:报名时劳烦大家备注上所在国家的名称)
