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[其他] 《旅途脚印》| 可惜——索达吉堪布

可惜 | What A Shame


People nowadays do not know how to deal with the miseries they encounter in life. Upon losing wealth or reputation, for instance, they immediately become grief-stricken as if bereft of their loved ones. Only those who have attained a certain level of spiritual practice are able to cut through attachment. What a shame that most people are not there yet!


Tsangpa Gyare (1161-1211), known as Yeshe Dorje, is a great siddha of Drukpa Kagyu in Tibetan Buddhism. When he was 24, he started his tenacious practice under the guidance of his spiritual masters. After completing his studies, he founded many monasteries such as Longduo and Rilong in the Jiangzi areas of Tibet and turned the Dharma wheel tirelessly. Local people were drawn to him and they embraced the Drukpa Kagyu practice one after another. They learned to renounce worldly possessions and regard prayer and meditation as true wealth. Many of them eventually attained accomplishment of various degrees, winning the admiration that “Half of the Jiangzi residents are Drukpa practitioners, half of the Drukpas are beggars, and half of the beggars are siddhas.” He brought a time of unprecedented glory to Drukpa Kagyu in that region, and many splendid siddhas became household names.


Among the teachings he left behind, the following verses are most supreme:

Right at the house front of a realized being, there rests plenty of joy and happiness, but the hedonist knows not to visit.
Right at the house front of someone adept at taming confused emotions, there is the way of seeing through the mortal world, but the greedy and hateful know not to visit.
Right at the house front of a renouncer of the mundane world, there are enjoyment and leisure, but those engulfed in hope and fear know not to visit.
Right at the house front of a contented person, there are fame, wealth, and glory within reach, but the covetous folks know not to visit.

The meaning of these is: Realized practitioners have everything they need to attain happiness and joy; but those craving only eating and drinking will never know it. For those who have tamed their negative emotions with wisdom, to renounce mundane affairs is as easy as turning the palm; but those steeped in covetousness and hatred will never know it. For those who have renounced worldly preoccupations, joy is their constant companion; but those engulfed in hope and fear will never know it. For those who are content with whatever they already have, true wealth accompanies them always; but those inflamed with desire will never know it.


Nowadays people are lured by sensual pleasures, prestige, wealth, and power. For the sake of satisfying their mere hunger and thirst, people are forever busy and forever scheming. In the end they are only entrapped in extra anguish and more suffering. What a shame it really is!


Learn to renounce the world; happiness will forever be with you!


24th of February, Year of RenWu
March 27, 2002
