[留学DIY] 比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学postgraduate programme-中国商法
比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学postgraduate programmesCHINESE BUSINESS LAW
The postgraduate programme in Chinese Business Law is unique within Europe. It aims at offering an in-depth understanding and knowledge of Chinese business law. The programme starts by explaining China’s legal system: legal development in China, principles of Chinese law and legal institutional framework.Thereafter the programme focuses on the various domains of Chinese law: contract law, company law, economic and financial law, commercial law, investment legislation, tax law, intellectual property law, customs law and environmental law.And finally the programme foresees in a course in which the various ways of dispute settlement in China are explained.
Course Outline
Legal research methodology
China’s legal system
Chinese contract law
Chinese company law
Chinese economic and financial law
Chinese commercial law
Chinese investment legislation
Chinese tax law
Chinese customs law
Chinese environmental law
Intellectual property law
Dispute settlement in China
Students aspiring to learn Chinese language may also register for the BICCS language course ‘Business Chinese’. For more information contact BICCS at biccs@vub.ac.be.
Target groups
• Lawyers aspiring to be trained in advising Western clients on the legal aspects of doing business with China.
• Sinologists interested in law and having the ambition to translate legal documents (e.g., for a law firm) and/or to be mediators in legal negotiations.
• Bachelors or masters who wish to upgrade their regular degrees with knowledge of contemporary China for the purpose of aiming at a China-related career, e.g., engineers, economists, lawyers, sinologists, political scientists, sociologists, psychologists, bachelors in management, marketing, communication, tourism…
• Students of law are permitted to take some modules during their master‘s education.
• Professionals who wish to broaden or reorient their career in a field related to China.
Added value
• A broad view of Chinese business law. The programme deals with the characteristics of Chinese law and the various domains of Chinese business law.
• Input from both practical experience and primary source material.
• Networking. Networking plays an important role in ** business successful. For this reason the postgraduate programme includes some networking activities, thereby enhancing the students’ value on the labour market.
• Comprehensive programme. Graduates will be able to:
- understand the characteristics of Chinese law;- understand Western and Chinese business people, legal advisors and lawyers;
- be a mediator in Western-Chinese business negotiations, especially in the legal field;
- understand and manage Chinese business strategies, especially in the legal field;
- discover, understand and manage the legal pitfalls and problems in Western
- Chinese business negotiations;
- reflect on future developments of Chinese law;
- retrieve and analyse specialist literature.
Job prospects
For lawyers and Masters in Law, the postgraduate programme in Chinese Business Law is the ideal way to develop a career as a legal advisor in the field of Chinese business.In general, specialists in Chinese law are in great demand in every segment of the labour market, for example, in companies that do business with China, banks, law firms, consultancy firms, governmental organisations, international organisations and in diplomacy.
Programme schedule
The postgraduate consists of two semesters and is completed in one academic year.
Classes take place:
• from Monday through Friday,
• for an average of 11 hours a week and
• during the day.
An overview of the first and second semester is available on our website www.vub.ac.be/biccs. A detailed time schedule will be given to the participants.
All courses are taught in English.
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Campus Etterbeek
Pleinlaan 2
B-1050 Brussels
Route description and a map of the campus are available at:www.vub.ac.be/campuses
Admission requirements
• University degree (master’s or bachelor’s).
• A good command of English is required (see application form)
• Procedure for Chinese students: All students from the P.R. China must obtain a certificate of academic screening issued by the Academic Evaluation Centre (APS) of the German Embassy in Beijing before being allowed to enrol in any institution of higher education, language course or other preparatory course in Flanders (Belgium).
Please note that the APS certificate is also required for obtaining a student visa to Belgium. Students planning to study in Flanders are advised to contact the Academic Evaluation Centre in Beijing, [E]: info@aps.org.cn, as soon as possible in order to make the necessary appointments required before applying for a visa. More information on APS can be found at their website www.aps.org.cn.
Fulltime programme
Price: 3.800 EUR.
Separate courses
Price: 95 EUR per ECTS.
Separate courses in combination with regular enrolment at a Belgian institution of higher education.Students following an accredited educational programme at a Belgian university or college (e.g. engineering, marketing, law, tourism, management, communication, economics …) are granted favourable rates for BICCS-courses that they wish to follow concurrently with their regular education. For more information contact us at biccs@vub.ac.be.
A post-academic certificate, bearing the name of the postgraduate course and signed by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, will be granted by the Brussels Institute of Contemporary China Studies, after successfully finishing the complete programme.
You can register by filling out the enrolment form which can be downloaded from our website at www.vub.ac.be/biccs.
The form is also available at BICCS.The completed form should be sent to:
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Ms. Xiaohong TONG
Pleinlaan 2B - 1050
or [F] +32 (0)2 614 80 80
or [E] biccs@vub.ac.be
More information about postgraduate programmes:
[W] www.vub.ac.be/biccs
[E] biccs@vub.ac.be
[T]+32 (0)2 614 80 98
Pleinlaan 2
B-1050 Brussels
Europe |