比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学工程学双硕士学位MSc in Architecture Engineering2010年荷语布鲁塞尔自由大学 Vrije Universiteit Brussel与法语布鲁塞尔自由大学Université Libre de Bruxelles 联合成立布鲁塞尔工学部 Bruface (Brussels Faculty of Engineering),并于2011-2012年度联合推出全英文授课的工程学双硕士学位,包括以下四个专业:
-建筑工程硕士MSc in Architectural Engineering
-化学材料工程硕士MSc in Chemical and Materials Engineering (Options Materials and Process Technology)
-土木工程硕士MSc in Civil Engineering
-机械电子工程硕士MSc in Electromechanical Engineering (Options Aeronautics, Energy, Mechatronics-Construction and Vehicle Technology and Transport
更多 Bruface 双硕士专业信息,请参阅官方网站 http://www.bruface.eu
MSc in Architectural Engineering
Program description
The Master of Science in Architecture trains designers to realize the synergy between the engineering and the architecture disciplines. The programme prepares students to a wide range of job profiles such as architectural and structural engineer, project manager, consultant, employee or executive in an architectural or engineer office, supervisor of the built heritage, policy maker for urban planning, researcher and others.
Course outline
Design of concrete structures
Design of steel structures
Design studio - sustainable design (a)
Sustainable and adaptable design of constructions
Form-active structures
Numerical analysis of spatial structures
Capita selecta in architectural engineering research
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
Design studio - sustainable design (b)
Advanced building physics
Structural renovation techniques
Technical design of heating and climate control installations
Parametric design of structures
Design studio - structures
Architectural engineering and construction project management
Master thesis
Optional courses(Free selection by the student, on condition of approval by the curriculum council)
Workshop lightweight structures
Prestressed concrete
Daylighting in buildings
Light and Lighting: visual environment and domotics
Innovation in construction materials
Environmental design of concrete structures
Mechanics of composite materials
Geography of globalisation
Human resources management
申请程序: http://www.bruface.eu/EN/How_to_Apply/