比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学工程学双硕士学位MSc in Electromechanical Engineering
2010年荷语布鲁塞尔自由大学 Vrije Universiteit Brussel与法语布鲁塞尔自由大学Université Libre de Bruxelles 联合成立布鲁塞尔工学部 Bruface (Brussels Faculty of Engineering),并于2011-2012年度联合推出全英文授课的工程学双硕士学位,包括以下四个专业:
-建筑工程硕士MSc in Architectural Engineering
-化学材料工程硕士MSc in Chemical and Materials Engineering (Options Materials and Process Technology)
-土木工程硕士MSc in Civil Engineering
-机械电子工程硕士MSc in Electromechanical Engineering (Options Aeronautics, Energy, Mechatronics-Construction and Vehicle Technology and Transport
更多 Bruface 双硕士专业信息,请参阅官方网站 http://www.bruface.eu
MSc in Electromechanical Engineering (Options Aeronautics, Energy, Mechatronics-Construction, Vehicle Technology and Transport)
Program description
The MSc in Electromechanical Engineering program aims to train engineers with scientific and technological efficiency that are able to build a broad ranging scientific knowledge combining a multidisciplinary engineering training with an in-depth specialization in one of the chosen major: Aeronautics, Energy, Mechatronics-Construction or Vehicle Technology and Transport. The program is academic, meaning that it is characterized by close links to scientific research in the related fields as well as the profession. Students must obtain a scientific balance between thorough, critical knowledge and practical skills, with emphasis on independence, creativity and inventiveness.
Course outline
1st Year - common courses
Control system design
Design methodology
Electrical drives
Piston engines
Option Aeronautic
1st Year
Partially common courses
Structure analysis / finite elements
Vibrations and acoustics
Specific courses
Aircraft structures
Aircraft technology
Damage testing in aeronautics
Numerics in aerothermodynamics
2nd Year
Partially common course
Composite structures
Specific courses
Aircraft Conceptual Design
Aircraft performance and stability
Aircraft Propulsion
Master thesis
Optional courses
Optional courses
Advanced computational structural mechanics
Acoustic engineering: Tools and methods
Advanced control
Computational fluid dynamics
Aircraft systems
Experimental fluid mechanics
Specification and certification of aircraft
Advanced course on control systems
Measurement and identification
Optical measurement techniques
Technological business development project
Entrepreneurship and business aspects of technology
Option Mechatronics-Construction
1st Year
Partially common courses
Structure analysis / finite elements
Vibrations and acoustics
Specific courses
Machine elements
Real time computer systems
2nd year
Partially common course
Composite structures
Reliability and safety
Specific courses
Manufacturing technology
Multibody mechanics
Master thesis
Optional courses
Optional courses
Acoustic engineering: Tools and methods
Advanced control
Advanced course on control systems
Programmable logic controllers
Measurement and identification
Optical measurement techniques
Technological business development project
Entrepreneurship and business aspects of technology
Option Energy
1st Year
Partially common courses
Electric traction--3
Fuel cells and batteries--3
Specific courses
Alternative energies
Electric power systems
Engineering thermodynamics
Nuclear reactors
Numerical modelling of electromagnetic devices
2nd Year
Partially common courses
Reliability and safety
Specific courses
Energy policy and management
Fossil thermal power plants
Rational use of energy
Master thesis
Optional courses
Optional courses
Acoustic engineering: Tools and methods
Advanced course on control systems
Dynamics and control of power systems
Power system protection
Power system engineering
Power electronics design
Daylighting in buildings
Programmable logic controllers
Measurement and identification
Advanced reactors and nuclear fuel cycles
Technological business development project
Entrepreneurship and business aspects of technology
Option Vehicle Technology and Transport
1st Year
Partially common courses
Electric traction
Fuel cells and batteries
Structure analysis / finite elements
Vibrations and acoustics
Specific courses
Vehicle dynamics and kinematics
Vehicle structures
Hybrid vehicle traction
Railway Technology
2nd Year
Partially common course
Composite structures
Specific courses
Vehicle electronics
Sustainable mobility and logistics
Operation management and logistics
Master thesis
Optional courses
Optional courses
Advanced computational structural mechanics
Advanced course on control systems
Acoustic Engineering: Tools and methods
Experimental Fluid mechanics
Programmable logic controllers
Communication protocols
Computer systems
Operating systems and security
Automotive standardization
Global navigation systems
Measurement and identification
Technological business development project
Entrepreneurship and business aspects of technology
机械电子工程专业详细介绍:http://www.bruface.eu/EN/Master_ ... anical_Engineering/
申请程序:http://www.bruface.eu/EN/How_to_Apply/ |