[发布招聘] [土耳其] 招聘土耳其展展务人员(伊斯坦堡)-12/04~12/07
职位: 短期展務人員
岗位职能: 翻译
招聘人数: 15 人
工作地点: 欧洲
计薪周期: 日薪
薪金: 面议 欧元
学历要求: 初中
工作年限: 不限
年龄要求: 18岁以上
工作性质: 不限
性别: 不限
职位描述: 发送資訊,请观展的买主填询问函,蒐集展場的資料
有效期至: 2014-12-02
地址: 407台中市西屯区台湾大道3段660号5F-2
公司简介: 位於台灣的廣告行銷公司
联系人: 陳小姐
Plasteurasia 2014 Part-time Worker Recruitment
Date: 2014/12/04~2014/12/07
Time: 09:30~18:00
Location: TÜYAP Fair Convention and Congress Center, Buyukcekmece, Istanbul – Turkey
Address: E-5 Karayolu Üzeri, Gürpınar Kavşağı 34500 Büyükçekmece -İSTANBUL/TÜRKİYE
Working content:
Sent out flyers, ask visitors to fill up inquiry forms, collect DM…
Required workers: 8~10
Language required: Turkish, English (Chinese is a plus)
Wage: USD 65/ day
Working hour: 09:30 ~18:00
(Arrangement will be made for all part-timers to take turn for lunch breaks)
** There will be a pre-education program and interview on:
Date: 2014/12/03
Time: 13:30
Location: entrance of TUYAP FAIR CONVENTION
Please kindly send your resume to the following details:
Contact person: June Chen
Email: service@polaris.net.tw
Contact number: +886-424517070 ext 260
Looking forward to work together in this coming exhibition! |