职位: 酒庄导游
岗位职能: 导游
招聘人数: 1 人
工作地点: 意大利
计薪周期: 面谈
薪金: 面议 欧元
学历要求: 本科
工作年限: 不限
工作性质: 兼职
性别: 男
职位描述: 在历史名庄Avignonesi接待来自世界各地的游客
有效期至: 2014-04-11
公司名称: Avignonesi
地址: Via Colonica, 1, Valiano di Montepulciano (SI)
联系人: Oonagh Stransky
We are looking for a dynamic, responsible, wine-loving individual to be a seasonal intern at Avignonesi in the hospitality sector.
The person we are looking for should:
-speak English and one other language fluently
-know about Italian wines
-be an excellent communicator
-have experience in sales
-be willing to lend a hand where necessary
-assist as need in tasting room and in dining area of the estate
The period we need to cover is May 1- October 31. We are willing to have one person for May-July and another person August-October, but prefer one person for the whole period.
Room and board provided. Must have some form of transportation (scooter or car) as the room is not in the same location as daily job.
For more information please email Oonagh.stransky@avignonesi.it with CV, photo, and skype address for interview.
Please go to the "visit us" page of the Avignonesi website for more information about our hospitality activities. |