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[中国] 2020中考英语复习资料:主动变被动




  (2)谓语动词变为由“be + 过去分词”的形式,配合时态作相应变化。

  (3)主动语态主语置于介词 by之后,如无必需,则省略。


  现 在 do (does) →am /is / are + done

  We keep the piano in the living-room.

  →The piano is kept in the living-room.

  过 去 did→was / were +done

  They built the bridge in 1980.

  →The bridge was built in 1980.

  将 来 will/shall do →will/shall + be + done

  He will read the book tomorrow.

  →The book will be read tomorrow.

  现在完成 have/has done →have/has + been + done

  We have delivered the newspaper.

  →The newspapers have been delivered (by us).

  过去完成 had done → hadbeen done

  She had seen the film before she came here.

  →The film had been seen before she came here.

  将来完成 will/shall have done → will/shall have + been + done

  By the end of this term we shall havefinished 80 texts.

  →By the end of this term 80 texts will havebeen finished.

  现在进行 am/is/are doing → am/is/are + being + done

  They are drawing the picture.

  →The picture is being drawn by them.</p>

  过去进行 was/were doing →was/were + being + done

  He was reviewing their lessons at this momentyesterday.

  →Their lessons were being reviewed at thismoment yesterday.

  情态动词 may may

  can can

  must must

  should do → should +be + done

  ought to ought to

  used to used to

  You must write an article on the subject.

  →An article must be written on the subject.


  1. Since the first space mission, many communication satellites ________.

  A. was launched B. are launched C. have beenlaunched D. had been launched

  2. What kind of advice ________ you?

  A. has gave B. was gave C. had been given toD. has given

  3. The slave ________ from morning tillnight.

  A. madeto work B. was made working C. wasmade worked D. was made to work

  4. The construction of the laboratory________ by the end of July.

  A. must be completing B. must complete

  C. must have completed D. must have beencompleted

  5. Your proposal ________ by the committeesoon.

  A. is discussed B. has been discussed

  C. is going to be discussed D. will have beendiscussed


  1. C 2. C 3. D 4. D 5. C
