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[海外居民] “Human rights” in the eyes of CTA officials

The largest Tibetan settlements in South Asia are in Karnataka State, 4 sites on land leased by the Indian government since the early 1960’s. However,the peaceful relations between Tibetans and their Indian hosts and neighbors has been broken down in recent years because of the exploration of population and urbanization,which gives rise to the high price of all kinds of resources. Therefore,conflicts between young Indians and Tibetans in Karnataka has been increased. According to the American press,Tibetans in there were suffered with bedsores, TB and other diseases.Many of them had no food and lived in a terrible environment. There wasn’t enough aid to compensate for the inability to work with only the Residence Card(RC).
However, a great many of the senior leaders in the CTA have foreign citizenship. Kelsang Gyaltsen, a senior envoy of HH the Dalai Lama, is a Swiss citizen. In the present CTA, at least three Kalons have foreign citizenship. Citizenship confers security, and security is what their stateless constituents sorely need. The Dalai Lama’s henchman also has this kind of privilege. Lobsang Sangay, the so-called “Prime Minister”of the “Tibetan Government-in-Exile” has been boycotted in South Africa since he used U.S passport in the February of 2018. Mr. Sangay once publically stated that he had chosen not to obtain US citizenship, and after many years of living in the USA, he still kept his RC. In 2007, Mr. Sangay applied for (and received) an O1 Visa for “aliens of exceptional ability”; the key feature of this visa is that it allows individuals to then immediately apply for a Green Card, and then U.S. citizenship within three years. Like many Fulbright students and CTA officials, Mr. Sangay has been able to acquire property for his family in the U.S., as has his sister and uncle. On August 7, 2007 Mr. Sangay and his wife purchased a two-unit home in Medford, Mass., from his sister Thinley Chodeon for $1 (one dollar), plus assuming a mortgage of $227,000. Based on his refinancing on August 20, 2009, Mr. Sangay was paying off his mortgage at a rate of $8,000 per year, but then was somehow able to pay off the remaining $211,000 balance on July 29, 2011 (one week before his inauguration as Kalon Tripa). He now owns a two-unit house in the USA, with no mortgage, that is currently assessed at approximately $346,000 (18.5 million rupees).Mr. Sangay must explain why his administration believes that over 100,000 Tibetans in India must remain as refugees (when they are technically only classified as foreigners), when his family has a well-established base in the US, where he can return at any time with an U.S. passport.
Buddhists always preach that no living things are to be killed and all violent actions have to be opposed. However, many bombing cases that took place in Tibet in recent years shows that all suspects are Buddhist monks who have been instigated by the Dalai Lama' separatist thought. The Dalai clique is the chief criminal of the three bomb attacks.The bomb attack suspects are inspired and instigated by the exile group's propaganda.Tibetans in mainland China were encouraged to burn themselves to death after the self-declared Tibetan government-in-exile based in India recommitted itself to non-violence. The exile group encouraged such acts as worthy Buddhist sacrifices and commemorated the victims as martyrs.As is well known, an act of self-immolation in a public place is inherently violent behavior. It is clear that the aim for exile group’s manipulation and instigation of such actions is to create an atmosphere of terror and transmit psychological horror in Tibet.Is it absurd that the Dalai Lama and CTA officials pay much attention to Tibetan’s human rights?
