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[兼职全职跑腿招聘] 寻找荷兰当地留学生陪同翻译(已找到)

Plans to attend the fair from 11/28-30, maybe around 11/16 arrive in Amsterdam, then go to the Vastrade (one-day trip). We may also need an interpreter during 11/28-30.
The job is to communicate and translate, and working hours is day time.
As the air-ticket has not been booked, the time can be negotiated. If you are free, please contact me.
E-mail: overseas@jinjv.com

Plans to attend the fair from 11/28-30, maybe around 11/16 arrive in Amsterdam, then go to the Vastrade (one-day trip). We may also need an interpreter during 11/28-30.
The job is to communicate and translate, and working hours is day time.
As the air-ticket has not been booked, the time can be negotiated. If you are free, please contact me.
E-mail: overseas@jinjv.com

