常用的GRE写作Issue论证方法有十种,包括:因果关系论证法{cause-effect)、引用权威论证法 (authority )、反证法(reduction to absurdity )、列举特征式论证法(signs )、统计数据论证法 (statistics ),归纳推理论证法(induction )、诉诸常识法(common sense )、演绎推理论证法 (deduction )、类比论证法(analogy )、定义法(definition )。将各论证方法的首字母缩写组合起来,即为 “CARSSICDAD”。 下面将这十大论证方法一一讲解。更多的GRE写作技巧建议报班学习一下,北京新东方的GRE班就很不错。 首先,有必要将下面讲解所涉及的概念解释一下。每一个论证方法将按照论点、论据和推理依据的顺序讲解。大家都知道,凡是议论文必然有论点、论据和论证三要素。论点和论据好理解,而论证就是用论据支持论点的过程。但用论据支持论点是否有效,关键在于由论点到论据有没有足够的推理依据。推理依据不成立,论证就是无效论证。 这里顺便讲一下ARGUMENT的解题思路:每一道ARGUMENT题目本身都是一个从论据到论点的论证过程:其中有观点,有论据。这个从论据到论点的论证过程会出现诸多大大小 小逻辑链条。只要我们能证明ARGUMENT题目中的论者在任何一个逻辑链条上出了问题,那么,其推理/论证就不能成立。 所以,对于ARGUMENT,我们的任务只有一个:从两到三个方面证明题目在哪些逻辑链条上出了问题,以至于其由论据到论点/结论的推理依据不成立。 而ARGUMENT所有的分析切入点,就是这里将要谈到的十大论证技巧。正是在这十大论证技巧里面,大家完全可以发现ISSUE和ARGUMENT两种不同写作任务之间互济相通的乐趣。 一、演绎推理论证法 将一个具体的事例运用到一个一般性原则从而得出结论。例如: 论点:Demand for this product will go up. 论据:The price of the product is sliding. 推理依据: Whenever prices of a product go down, demand for it rises. (说明:由论据“The price ofthe product is sliding” 推出论点 “Demand for this productwill go up”,这个过程是否有效取决于推理依据 “Whenever prices of aproduct go down, demand for it rises”是否成立。下面每一种论证方法都是如此。) 二、定义法 界定一个概念的关键内涵;或者认定某个亊物符合某个定义,从而得出结论。例如: 论点:Radical feminists are not good citizens. 论据:Radical feminists lack family values. 推理依据:Family values characterize the goodcitizen. 三、因果关系论证法 将一个判断放入一个因果关系中,指出它或者是原因,或者是结果。例如: 论点:The Internet may be causing depression. 论据:When a group of people increased their useof the Internet, they felt depressed. 推理依据:There are no other reasons for the group’s depression. 四、归纳推理论证法 从若干个具体亊例中推出共性的一般结论。例如: 论点:Everyone likes the movie. 论据:I know three people who like the movie. 推理依据:Three examples are enough. 五、列举特征式论证法 指出某事物发生或者存在的征候或迹象。例如: 论点:The child has chickenpox. 论据:The child has red spots. 推理依据:These spots are signs of chickenpox 六、类比论证法 用我们已知的、熟悉的事物同未知的、不熟悉的事物加以比较,并用前者的情况解释后者 的情况。分为三种:纵向类比(过去的事物同现在的、同一类事物的类比)、横向类比(同一 时期、同一类事物之间的类比)、比喻式类比(不同类别亊物之间的类比)。例如: 1.纵向类比(Historical Analogy) 论点:Many people will die of SARS. 论据:Many people died of the Black Death. 推理依据:SARS and Black Death are similar. 2.横向类比(LiteralAnalogy) 论点:China should have its fighter carriers. 论据:A neighboring country has a powerfulcarrier fleet. 推理依据:The two countries are similar enough todraw such a comparison. 3.比喻式类比(MetaphoricalAnalogy) 论点:Reading a difficult book should take time. 论据: Digesting a large meal takes time. 推理依据:Reading and eating are sufficientlyalike to be compared. 七、引用权威论证法 引用公认的权威,或者论证自己就是权威从而对自己的观点加以论证。例如: 论点:China’s economywill grow 8 percent this year. 论据:Professors and scientists say so. 推理依据:These experts are reliable. 八、诉诸常识法 利用人们的常识[包括:普遍性的价值观念(universalvalues such as freedom, equality, supremacy of life, dignity and pursuit ofhappiness )、人们的普遍动机(public motives: desire for love, shelter, food, security,wealth, knowledge, etc. )、生活常识(widely-accepted ideas and practices in life)进行论证。例如: 1、诉诸普遍性的价值观念(UniversalValues) 论点:The university curriculum should bemulticultural. 论据:A multicultural curriculum will contributeto equality and acceptance. 推理依据: You value equality and acceptance. 2、诉诸普通动机(PublicMotives) 论点:You should support this candidate premier. 论据:The candidate can help you get jobsecurity and safe neighborhoods. 推理依据:You want job security and safeneighborhoods. 3、诉诸生活常识(Widely-acceptedIdeas and Practices in Life) 论点:She was very kind to me. 论据:She treated me with the best tea she had. 推理依据: A treatment with the best tea is anexpression of kindness. 九、反证法 假设一个观点是正确的,然而却推导出荒谬的结论。例如: 论点:An industrious man must also be thrifty. 论据:With only industry but without thrift, the person will end up bankrupt. 推理依据:An industrious person ending up bankrupt sounds absurd. 十、统计数据论证法 提供数据,以资论证。例如: 论点:We should end the current poverty-reliefprogram. 论据:It costs $45 million per year. 推理依据:This is too much; it proves we should end it. 在实际的论证过程中,我们可能并不需要给出推理依据,而只是直接拿论据去证明论点。 比如,在演绎推理法的例子中,如果我们想证明论点“Demand for this product will go up”的正 确性,我们通常只需给出论据“The price of the product is sliding”就行了。这是因为读者的思 想意识一般都已经有了,或者都已经认可了“Whenever prices of a product go down,demand for it rises”这个逻辑前提。但有时为了充分说明问题,作者也需要将推理依据及其合理性加以说 明,并给出证明。比如,在引用权威法的例子中,为了证明论点“China’s economy will grow 8 percent thisyear”,我们会首先给出论据“Professors and scientists say so”。但为了使我们的论证更为可信,我们会进一步说明并证明推理依据“Theseexpemarereliable”。 |