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[发布招聘] [兼职全职跑腿招聘] 威立雅(中国)北京分公司招聘研究工程师

  • 职位: 研究工程师
  • 岗位职能: 生产/营运/采购/物流
  • 招聘人数: 3 人
  • 工作地点: 亚洲
  • 计薪周期: 月薪
  • 薪金: 面议 欧元
  • 学历要求: 硕士
  • 工作年限: 应届
  • 年龄要求:
  • 工作性质: 全职
  • 性别: 不限
  • 职位描述: 1. 运用负荷计算软件对项目进行负荷分析;跟踪能耗,掌握项目实际能耗情况及相关计算;
    Use load calculation software to analyze the project, follow energy consumption, hold of the actual energy consumption and related calculations.
    2. 进行项目负荷、能耗模拟计算,与供应商沟通商议技术方案,设备选型等;
    Project load, energy consumption simulation, communication and negotiation with suppliers about technical solutions, equipment selection etc.
    3. 协助搜集相关技术数据和资料并进行分析;
    Assist to collect and analyze the relevant technical data and information.
    4. 对主要生产设备厂家进行技术考察,主设备厂检监督与入场调试工作,对投产设备运行问题进行技术分析;
    Inspect the major equipment manufacturer, supervise FPT of main equipment and commissioning, analyze the problems of operational equipment.
    5. 用英语或法语翻译相关技术文件(如招投标文件、技术方案和会议纪要等);
    Translate in English or French the relevant technical documents.
    6. 实验设备标定校准和维修,备件采购,工作登记;
    Experimental equipment’s calibration and maintenance spare parts procurement, work registration.
    7. 帮助技术经理及下属设置能源管理的技术规范
    To help the Technical Manager & affiliates for setting technical specification regarding energy management.
    8. 分类归档。
  • 有效期至: 2017-12-31
  • 公司名称: 威立雅(中国)环境服务有限公司北京分公司
  • 营业执照号:
  • 地址: 山东,河北,山西,重庆项目
  • 公司简介: 在全球,威立雅帮助众多城市和企业管理、优化及充分利用资源。威立雅提供与水务、能源及材料相关的一系列解决方案,推动向循环经济的转变。
    Around the globe, Veolia helps cities and industries to manage, optimize and make the most of their resources. The company provides an array of solutions related to materials with a focus on waste recovery, water and energy to promote the transition toward a circular economy.
    Veolia's 163,000 employees are tasked with contributing directly to the sustainability performance of customers in the public and private sectors, allowing them to pursue development while protecting the environment.
  • 联系人: Joy Zhang
  • 网址:
  • 工作经验:
    Fresh graduate with a French engineering degree is preferred.

    Bachelor degree or above, major in HVAC, Power generation, Environment, Mechanical Engineering.

    1. 暖通、热电、热工仪表。
    HVAC, coal fired CHP
    2. 熟悉工业生产:蒸汽、热水、冷水和压缩空气;
    Familiar with utilities production: steam, hot water, chilled water, compressed air
    3. 生物质和天然气相关知识优先。
    Knowledge of biomass & natural gas would be a plus.
