[海外商家] **亚洲食品批发,全欧洲送货 European Oriental Food Distributor**
本公司经营亚洲食品批发已经有30年历史,总部在荷兰。客户遍及欧洲27个国家。我们的食品种类齐全,特别,质量优等,价格实惠。目前我们可以提供亚洲食品,新鲜蔬菜水果,厨房用具(国家包括中国,台湾,越南,泰国,新加坡,印度,韩国,日本等)。我们也有很多独家代理:饭扫光,望乡,Mida,宝岛Q点子, Sriracha,京一根,白家,仪美,海天,三塔米,等。
针对对象:大型商超,小型超市,批发商,连锁超市,连锁餐馆 等。
详细产品信息和价格请联系:Bonita. 王小姐。
微信: MYW_yaoyao. 邮箱:bonita@hkbv.nl
We are an oriental food trading company and we’ve been working in the industry for 30 years. We are located in The Netherlands. We have clients in 27 European countries. We have a large range of products, and they are popular, with good quality and good prices. Currently, we supply Asian foods, fresh vegetable and fruit, kitchen ware from China, Taiwanese, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, India ,Korea, Japan and so on. We have many agent products: FSG, Wheatsun, Mida, Taiwan Mochi, Sriracha, JYG, BAIJIA, I-mei, Haitian, Triple Pagoda Rice, etc.
We have fast delivery, averagely 2-3 days. Additionally, it can be shorter or longer.
Target: Supermarket, Hypermarket, wholesalers, Cash & Carry, Grocery stores, Chain restaurants, and supermarkets, etc.
More product information and prices, please contact: Bonita
Wechat: MYW_yaoyao Email: bonita@khbv.nl |